Farm Boss - Rascal: In charge of EVERYTHING at Frost Farm. From Dallas Petro-sexual to Northern New Mexico Farm Boss. Rascal is the quintessential City Dog gone Country. He enjoys all aspects of living on the Farm, except for goathead stickers, he doesn't enjoy them. He spends his days supervising the Assistant Farm Manager, the Security Staff and all production staff. All things must go through him and be approved prior to implementation. He looks forward to sharing his wisdom in his blog updates. (Hurricane Rascal of the Jemez Mountains is a full-blooded West Highland White (sometimes) Terrier. He enjoys bossing everyone around, listening to ZZ top and AC/DC while napping on the back of his recliner)

Assistant Farm Boss - Operations Manager and Snake Wrangler - Ron : In charge of everything under the Farm Boss' control. After visiting Northern New Mexico on vacation in July 2009, experiencing the fabulous Northern NM summer for the first time, in stark contrast to the hellish heat of Dallas, he ran away across the sagebrush flats near the Rio Grande Gorge raving about not ever returning to Dallas. He withdrew from the corporate rat-race and has now dedicated himself to the challenges of learning how to Farm in Northern New Mexico and wrangling the occasional bull-snake.

Physical Security Specialists: Smokey and Shadow, Sr. Security Specialists. This team is responsible for perimeter security, alarm responses, digging custom furniture for themselves (also known as ankle breaker holes) and laying around in the sun. They were also former city dogs looking for a simpler and more fulfilling way of life and they have found it here on Frost Farm. (Smokey and Shadow are brothers, very strongly bonded and were rescued in the spring of 2011)

Security Team Lead and Environmental Critter Control: Rio has the demanding task of managing the Security Specialists, leading chases, showing them which pipe the rabbit/squirrel is in and attempting to help George bark in the correct direction of the security threat instead of the exact opposite direction. She is also the primary gopher and squirrel exterminator. (Rio was found abandoned near Quartzite in Pilar in April 2011. After an unsuccessful search for her original family, she came to be an invaluable member of the Frost farm team. She is smarter than everyone on the farm, combined).

Security Specialist in training, George (aka Wiggles). George is a novice Security Specialist and is current undergoing intense training on Frost Farm. His main responsibility (the only one he is currently trusted with) is Alarm Barking. His bark is one of the loudest barks ever recorded in the history of canine-dom. He spends his days wrestling with Rio (MMA fight training), barking (usually in the opposite direction of a perceived threat) and having his head test-fit in Shadow's mouth. He loves playing "squirrel in the pipe" and laying in the sun. He does NOT enjoy swimming in the river. (George was rescued in the Fall of 2013 and has filled the role of 'wiggly jester' ever since)

Feathered Production Staff - Chickens: Current staff consists of over 40 Speckled Sussex, Black Australorp, Buff Orphington, Rhode Island Red and Leghorn hens. They spend their days gossiping, scurrying around after unlucky bugs (and mice), taking dust baths and laying beautiful, nutritious eggs. (This flock is a mix of purchased and adopted hens)

Feathered Production Staff - Ducks: Current staff consists of four Indian Runner ducks (aka penguins), four Campbells (best guess, not quite sure what their breed is) and a one-eyed, white crested Pekin (Elvis). The Campbells (Drake Carrington, Alexis, Priscilla and Henrietta) came to Frost Farm in the spring of 2014. Henrietta (daughter of Drake and Alexis) was given up for adoption and raised by chickens. Elvis is a tail-chasing crested white Pekin, although his bonded mate is Priscilla and he claims to love only her. His hair helps him get chicks. The Indian Runners were adopted from Chamisal, New Mexico. They welcomed Henrietta into their group and spend their days literally running around Frost Farm. The Ducks provide wonderful, rich, eggs which are unsurpassed for baked goods, omelets and quiches.

Production Staff (Furry) Bunnies: The furry production staff was obtained (rescued) in Spring 2014. It currently consists of four Giant Flemish rabbits (Aphrodite, Zeus, Hera and Persephone) and three either Silky or New Zealand rabbits (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid-brothers, and Demeter-mother of Persephone). The Furry Production staff are producers of other Furry Production Staff members and organic materials for composting. And cute. They are responsible for a whole lot of Cute-ness on Frost Farm.
Zeus (Pictured Left)
Zeus (Pictured Left)

Pest Control-Indoor only: Bennie Hana came to Frost Farm in the winter of 2013. He had previously enjoyed a long-term career as Pest Control specialist in an exclusive vacation home. When the vacation home was sold, he was laid off and needed a new gig. He joined the Frost Farm team and immediately showed his prowess at pest control and a propensity for snuggling with the humans but only when they are asleep. He enjoys stalking mice, killing mice, eating mice and will occasionally share a choice piece of mouse meat with the CFO. He is working on his cuddle-ability and is a lap-cat in training (even though he is fighting it), (Bennie was rescued after the vacation home he was living in and keeping rodent free was sold. He has become an invaluable member of the team and one of the few who actually earn his keep.)

Undercover Security-Loss Prevention Specialists: Hanz n Franz arrived on the farm to fill the role of undercover security and loss prevention specialists. It became clear quite early on that they had some gang affiliation and are in fact ex-convicts. They do patrol the grounds and occasionally sound an alarm if something is out of order. They primarily bully the feathered staff, terrorize the security staff and spend most of their time behind the shed smoking cigarettes, destroying bungee cords and plastic bottles/buckets and spray painting graffiti on the walls. Note: Hanz n Franz were adopted (because the Asst. Farm Manager has a soft heart and NO experience with geese) after their original owner passed away and the property was being sold. They are mischief makers and provide much entertainment on Frost Farm.

CFO and Part-time Farm Laborer, critter vet-tech - Carol: Our CFO grew up on Frost Farm and has now returned with the Assistant Farm Manager (at his insistence) to revitalize and rejuvenate the property held so dear by her parents. She still holds a regular 'day job' but spends all her other time providing the vision and part-time labor for Frost Farm. She also provides consulting services to the Assistant Farm Manager, who only occasionally heeds her advice.